About our Privacy Policy

It is mandatory to accept all the practices described in the privacy policies below for using and accessing our Website. You must have a detailed look at this privacy policy before submitting your data on the Website. Here we give you a detailed overview of how we collect, use, and disclose personal information that you provide us on the Website.

Here is a complete description of our privacy policy.

The information we collect from

  1. We collect information from the visitors of our Website.
  2. When you come to our Website, you have to accept cookies through which we collect your information.
  3. We also provide you with different choices, including the opportunity to opt out.
  4. Note that not all these cookies collect personally identifiable information and some of them are necessary to use different functionalities of our Website.
  5. We also collect information from the applicant users of our Website.
  6. For using some of the features of our Website, certain information is necessary to provide. For example, personal work and other information are essential if you want access to request a loan.
  7. There may be other resources to collect information.
  8. We may also periodically obtain personal and non-personal information about you from affiliated entities, business partners, and other independent third-party sources and additional information about you.
  9. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to share the information on this Website.

Use of your Information

We only use your information when you authorize us to use it. We use your information for;

  1. Loan requests and managing your accounts, including facilitating your access to and use of our Website.
  2. Resolving disputes or troubleshoot problems.
  3. Preventing prohibited or illegal activities.
  4. Enforcing our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  5. You are sharing your information with prospective lenders when you have completed a request for a potential loan. We are not a lender but a referral service and do not have any information about the status of a request or loan at any time.

How We Share Your Information

United payday may share some of your information with providers of products and services listed on our Website, third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf, and affiliate partners.

Here is how we share your information with the following entities:

  1. We share your request information with prospective lenders connected to our Website via a technology platform to speed the request process.
  2. Your information is also accessible to our third-party affiliates who provide services/functions on our behalf, such as identity theft protection, credit repair, possible promotion programs, fraud prevention, and other services as we deem appropriate.
  3. These third-party affiliates collect and use your information for specific marketing purposes and are not permitted to share or use the information for any other purpose.
  4. When you come to our Website and complete or start the request process by entering any data about yourself as part of the loan request process, we may share that information with our affiliate partners.